A new month brings new dates for our calendars. From the mystical New Moon in Scorpio to the vibrant Hathor’s Feast, these November celebrations can add depth to your spiritual practice as you work with tarot, ritual, and intention-setting. Enjoy this cornucopia of November Tarot Inspiration!

November 1: Cailleach’s Night – Day of the Banshees
November Tarot Inspiration kicks off with Cailleach’s Night, a celebration of the Cailleach—the ancient, revered Celtic goddess of winter, known for her connection to creation, destruction, and transformation. This night is also known as the Day of the Banshees, dedicated to honouring spirits who dwell between life and death.
A Cailleach Ritual:
Honour the Cailleach by lighting a blue or black candle in a darkened room, inviting the energy of the winter crone. Reflect on areas of your life that need release or transformation, as the Cailleach aids us in cutting away the old. Allow this ritual to gently guide you in letting go of lingering energies from the year. The Cailleach also encourages rest in the dark Winter months, so letting go can also include slowing down to give your mind, body, and spirit time to rest and recuperate.

Tarot Spread: The Cailleach’s Wisdom
1. What do I need to release?
2. Where do I need to call in more resilience?
3. What hidden wisdom am I overlooking?
November 1: New Moon in Scorpio
The New Moon in Scorpio is a time for inner exploration where we dive deep into our subconscious. It may be a challenge to face what lies in the shadows when it comes to a Scorpio New Moon, so be ready for some uncomfortable feelings to bubble up! Scorpio energy invites transformation, making this an ideal time to release old emotional baggage and set powerful, private intentions.
A New Moon in Scorpio Ritual:
Prepare a small bowl of water infused with rose or jasmine oil. Place it near your bed and meditate on your intentions before sleep, allowing yourself to envision what you want to bring forth with this moon cycle. Imagine Scorpio’s energy dissolving blocks that have been holding you back, embracing change. As you nestle under the blankets, drift off with your intentions forefront in your mind.

Tarot Spread: Scorpio New Moon Depths
1. What emotions need attention?
2. Where is transformation calling me?
3. What intention will help my emotional growth?
November 15: Full Moon in Taurus
This Taurus Full Moon is all about grounding and connecting to the physical. Known as a Lunar Eclipse Moon in some traditions, it’s a powerful time to let go of limitations around abundance and self-worth. Connect to all your senses when the Full Moon sits in Taurus, as the answers you seek may be found in taste, touch, scent, or feel. Routine is also an aspect of Taurus, so examine where routine may need stabilising or altering.
Full Moon in Taurus Ritual:
Gather natural elements, like stones or soil, and sit quietly with them outdoors if possible. Set intentions around stability, security, and any physical abundance you’d like to manifest. Acknowledge what you’ve achieved so far, showing gratitude for your growth.

Tarot Spread: Grounding & Growth with Taurus
1. What area of my life needs grounding?
2. What abundance is ready to come forth?
3. How can I nurture stability?
November 16: Hecate’s Night
Hecate’s Night, honouring the goddess of crossroads and magic, is a perfect time to work with personal power, introspection, and shadow work. Hecate is known for guiding souls and offering protection. If you’re battling with a decision, call upon this powerful goddess for clarity. She’ll show you the way!
Hecate Ritual:
Create a small altar with three candles (representing Hecate’s three aspects) and meditate on any crossroads in your life. Ask Hecate for guidance and protection. Consider placing keys, a symbol of Hecate, on the altar as an offering. Black Tourmaline, Obsidian, Smoky Quartz, and Labradorite are a few crystals that complement working with Hecate.

Tarot Spread: The Crossroads with Hecate
1. What aspect of my life is at a crossroads?
2. What should I release to move forward?
3. How can I strengthen my inner power?
4. What message does Hecate have for me?
November 19: Masculine Honour – International Men’s Day
International Men’s Day celebrates the Divine Masculine, focusing on respect, strength, and honour. This day encourages reflection on positive masculine traits, such as protection, groundedness, and compassion. Just like the Divine Feminine, the Divine Masculine is nuanced and multi-faceted, but an aspect often overlooked is its paradox of strength and vulnerability.
Divine Masculine Ritual:
Light a candle in a warm, earthy tone and reflect on the role of masculine energy in your life. This can be an internal quality or a connection with a positive male role model. Journal about how you can bring balance to the masculine and feminine within yourself.

Tarot Spread: Honouring the Divine Masculine
1. How can I strengthen my masculine energy?
2. What positive masculine qualities do I embody?
3. Where can I bring more balance to my life?
November 22: Shiva’s Night
Shiva’s Night, celebrated within some Hindu traditions, is dedicated to Lord Shiva—the god of transformation and destruction. Known for his deep wisdom and the power of endings and new beginnings, Shiva invites us to look within and let go of attachments. As powerful as The Tower in Tarot, Shiva’s energy can bring immense change. The upheaval can be uncomfortable and unsettling, but the outcome is always a positive one.
Shiva's Night Ritual:
If you have a Tarot deck, place The Tower and/or the Death card/s on your altar to represent the energy of transformation. Meditate on areas of your life that need release and/or transformation. Make a promise to yourself to take steps towards that change, even if the prospect may seem daunting. Imagine Shiva’s transformative power helping you along the way as you cut attachments and clear space for new beginnings.

Tarot Spread: The Wisdom of Shiva
1. What attachment should I release?
2. What transformation awaits me?
3. What new beginning is on the horizon?
November 25: Beginning of Elder Moon in the Celtic Tree Month
The Elder Moon kicks off the final Celtic Tree Month, a time for wisdom, intuition, and spiritual insights. Elder trees symbolize connection with ancestors, healing, and endings, making it an ideal time to reflect on the closing year.
Elder Moon Ritual:
Place a sprig or symbol of the elder tree on your altar, or light a dark purple or black candle. Meditate on messages from your ancestors or wisdom you’d like to carry into the new year. Work with tarot to divine the energies coming your way in the new year, and to reflect upon what you’re leaving behind. As the veil remains thin at this time of year, it’s also worth journaling any insights or dreams during this period.

Tarot Spread: The Elder’s Guidance
1. What wisdom should I carry forward?
2. What should I conclude before the year ends?
3. What ancestral insight do I need?
November 29: Hathor’s Feast
Honouring Hathor, the Egyptian goddess of music, joy, and motherhood, this feast is all about celebrating life’s beauty and abundance. Hathor is known for her warm, creative energy and her ability to nurture love and community. Hathor’s celebratory energy can be found in The Empress, the 4 of Wands, and the 3 of Cups. Take a moment to flick through your tarot deck and draw out any other cards you feel connect to Hathor. The Queen of Wands, perhaps?
A Hathor Ritual:
Dedicate this day to enjoyment and celebration! Play music, dance, and decorate your space with fresh flowers or bright colours. Reflect on what brings you joy and commit to embracing these aspects more fully. Consider sharing this energy with loved ones or in creative projects.

Tarot Spread: Celebrating with Hathor
1. What brings me the most joy?
2. How can I bring more beauty into my life?
3. Where can I nurture love and community?
These November dates offer beautiful opportunities to connect with ancient energies, explore inner depths, and embrace transformation. Each ritual and tarot spread is crafted to enhance your spiritual journey, providing insight, inspiration, and grounding through these special days. Have fun with the rituals, and as always, reach out if you’d like to chat about your November connections! You can find me at julie@creativesoultarot.com