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Writer's pictureJulie Embleton

Tarot for Creatives August 12th to 18th 2024

Hello, Creatives!

Welcome back to another Tarot for Creatives! Did you work with the Lions Gate Portal last week? The energy had me fizzing with ideas and inspiration, and The Sun tarot card popped up twice for me with my daily draws. Today, August 12th is when the energy wanes, so you still have a few hours to sit with this powerful energy and work a little manifestation magic.

Opportunity is the theme for this week’s reading, so if you’re currently assessing an offer or possibility, the cards will reveal, What to explore, Where you might be vulnerable, What resources you should use.

Tarot cards with candles, crystals, and a plant
5 of Wands, 6 of Swords, King of Wands. Deck: Tarot of the Vampires

A bit of healthy competition comes into play with the 5 of Wands. This is the card of playful challenge, where rolling up sleeves and jumping in offers the best way to activate and engage creativity. Although you may not see where this competition is heading, take part and enjoy the process.

The 5 of Wands loves stretching beyond comfort zones, so take a leap beyond your usual boundaries. Who knows what rewards await?

Another aspect of this card is that of rules and regulations. Have you become too rigid with yours, and is it time to make changes? Or perhaps the rules of a current play are restricting your creativity? What will your exploration reveal?

“You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one.”

The 6 of Swords brings transition, a necessary journey following a challenge. Most of us dislike change, but it’s a necessary part of life, so take time to reflect upon any current transitions in your life, and how you’re handling them. Are you resisting change—hovering at the water’s edge like the figures in the card? Or do you see the women supporting each other as they prepare to board the waiting boat?

Transition sometimes brings mourning, so consider your grief process, and if you’re giving yourself the necessary time to mourn, or if you're shoving down the sorrow. Perhaps the figures in the card have chosen to flee from upset instead of facing it square on?

The overall message of this card is that transition is necessary. It’s time to stop looking back and take a step forward instead. Lingering in the past may leave you vulnerable, so pick up the pieces and rest assured the changes will be for your better good.

The King of Wands excels at creative mastery. No matter the challenge, he’ll find a way through it with charisma, confidence, and expression, and these are the resources best put to use at this time.

Embody the King by colouring outside the lines, embracing wild creativity, and holding unshakeable confidence in your abilities. With the 5 of Wands a message to engage in healthy competition, and the 6 of Swords encouraging the past be left behind, you’ll emerge with the necessary confidence and wisdom to make the best possible decisions for your future. The King of Wands creates from a place of inspiration, so you too must connect with what inspires you. The resources you need to engage with opportunity are within you. You possess creative master, so go for it!

A lot of inspirational energy with this week’s cards, ripples from the Lions Gate Portal, perhaps? All 3 cards call for courage and belief in self, which will assist with navigating opportunity. Embody passionate Wands energy and burn brightly, Creative Souls!


Have you a burning question or hot topic relevant to the Tarot for Creatives reading? Reach out and let me know! You can find me at

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