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Writer's pictureJulie Embleton

Tarot for Creatives June 6th to 12th 2022

Hello, Creatives!

Welcome to June! It’s a Bank Holiday here in Ireland today, and after yesterday being such a wet and windy one, the sun is finally shining. I’m hoping to ditch the laptop in a few hours and get out into the garden and sunshine. I may even relax with a glass of wine later.

Tomorrow the moon enters its First Quarter phase. With themes of balance, overcoming obstacles, and perseverance, it’s a good time to check in with your progress and see how you’re faring in these aspects. Balance is where I’m failing right now; too much work and not enough down time, so I certainly need to address this as the week kicks off.

By request, today’s spread centres on creative block with the questions; What is blocking creativity, What must be engaged to remove this block, What will be an ally moving forward?

Tarot for Creatives Forecast June 6th to 12th 2022
6 of Swords, Death, King of Swords. The Dark Wood Tarot.

Transition is the theme of the 6 of Swords, indicating something that didn’t serve your better good has been left behind, and although it may have been a difficult shift, you’re emerging into happier days. But such a transformation can leave you wading in emotional waters which impacts mental clarity, so if your creative fire is barely sputtering of late, consider if this may be the cause. Contemplate returning to your creative endeavours with something small and manageable rather than tackling an overwhelming task. New horizons are now opening, so this period will pass, but until then, gift yourself the time to heal and recuperate.

"I can see clearly now, the rain is gone, I can see all obstacles in my way. Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind. It's gonna be a bright, bright, sun-shiny day." - Johnny Cash

Death is the 6 of Swords on steroids. The ultimate card of transformation, its message here is also of a new beginning, but on a more impactful level. The 6 may have stirred a shift in self-awareness, but Death heralds a major shift in higher understanding. The key to working with Death when it comes to crushing creative block, is to let go. You’ve already cut ties as indicated by the 6, but now it’s time to make peace with a greater transformation. Embrace its magic by facing it square on. With Death being such an impactful card, some of the shifts may be happening without your input, and while the temptation might be to push back, or even fight for control, Death has the lead, and you can only follow. Just like the 6, Death promises incoming positivity, so once the metamorphosis has taken place, you’ll emerge invigorated.

Maturing from the 6 to the King of Swords, the message here is the power of honesty and expression. Perhaps the events instigating the 6 and Death came about through a reluctance to speak up, or your thought processes were manipulated by another, but with the King comes confidence in self, along with forward thinking. As an ally for overcoming future creative blocks, this is a powerful energy to embrace. The King embodies smart thinking, a teacher or mentor, and inventiveness. Now that old patterns have been sliced away by Death, what new ways of working could you explore? Are you in a position to share your experiences or skill? The King likes to keep his business interests fresh and stimulating, so try something new every now and then. The voice that held you back pre 6 of Swords has been silenced, so move forward with confidence.

This deck always gives such a thought provoking read. Death and the 6 of Swords are two powerful cards, promising that transformation is positive, and how allowing it in will bring a fresh, new, and necessary, perspective. With the King in your pocket as a future ally, it encourages us to remember the lessons of the 6, and wield more control and maturity moving forward.

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