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Tarot for Creatives March 21st to 27th 2022

Writer's picture: Julie EmbletonJulie Embleton

Hello, Creatives!

Yesterday saw the arrival of the Spring Equinox here in the Northern Hemisphere. With day and night of equal length, our thoughts shift to returning outdoors after the hibernation of winter. Temperance, with her themes of balance, patience, and purpose offers fitting guidance for this season, so this week’s reading asks us to examine our current state of equilibrium

I spent most of yesterday in the garden, raking the remains of winter from the lawn and beds. The grass got its first mow of the year, beds got their soil turned, and shrubs got a much-needed prune. I had aching muscles last night, but really enjoyed being back in the garden, and most of all, taking a break from my laptop. Thinking about the balance of the equinox, I realised my own work/life balance has tipped to more work than life of late. Thankfully, it’s a good busy, and a busy I enjoy every second of with tarot readings and writing, but I came to understand that at least one day off a week should be become a priority, and not a luxury!

So how can we can tip the scales to better serve us within our work/life balance? Here’s what the cards have to say!

Tarot for Creatives reading March 21st to 27th 2022
5 of Swords, Page of Pentacles, Knight of Cups

What area of life needs balance? What should be welcomed in? What should be released?

Are you in a ‘win at all costs’ frame of mind right now? Are you focused on getting on top of tasks in work, hammering through your personal to-do, or going through the motions with family and friends just to get another thing scratched thorough on the list? ‘Hollow Victory’ is a keyword for the 5 of Swords. It indicates cycling through days ticking off your to-do, which does bring some satisfaction, but leaves you missing out on the little joys of life along the way. With Swords representing intellect and communication, it suggests emotion, creativity, and fun, having no place in this mindset. Are your days a constant, dull turn of the wheel? When did you last let a little joy in?

"Enjoy the little things in life, because one day you'll look back and realise they were the big things." - Kurt Vonnegut

The Page of Pentacles prompts us to return to our dreams and recall what it is we want to manifest. Is where you are right now what you envisage for your best life? As you go through the motions on a daily basis, are you working towards manifesting greatness for yourself, or running on a treadmill? Take time out this week to examine your routine and consider where shifts can be made to rebalance. Ease off the treadmill and gift yourself moments of doing something you love, just for the sake of lifting your soul. With Pentacles the earth element of tarot, it suggests time in nature could help recalibrate your purpose again.

If you’ve been feeling moody, but not sure why, the energy of the 5 of Swords may be the reason. Pounding the treadmill of work might reflect the go-go-go energy of the Knight of Cups, but chances are it brings no contentment and has left you resentful and emotional instead. And as you work through the guidance from the Page of Pentacles, even more emotion might bubble up! You might find yourself irrationally annoyed or frustrated with yourself for getting knocked off course. Acknowledge the emotion, but then let it go. The Knight of Cups can be a moody, emotional energy, so strive to stay grounded with the Page of Pentacles, focusing instead on the emotion of enthusiasm, drive, and manifestation.

It looks like we might get hit with the feels this week! After cycling through so much ‘doing’ energy, we’ve lost sight of our dreams, but the Page will get us back on track. Just don’t let the emotional Knight of Cups host a pity party.

Hello Spring! Wild Garlic and Rosemary springing to life in the herb bed, and beneath the Rowan tree, daffodils and primroses bloom.


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