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Writer's pictureJulie Embleton

Tarot for Creatives September 26th to October 2nd 2022

Hello, Creatives!

Welcome to a new week. Yesterday, Sunday 25th, brought us a New Moon in Libra, and with it, an energy to create more harmony, beauty, and balance. Now is a perfect time to turn your attention to relationships and your environment, and reflect upon the areas where things may feel out of balance.

This week’s reading focuses on the themes of balance, beauty and creativity, with a spread asking: How can I create more balance, How can I create more beauty, How can I strengthen creativity?

Tarot deck and crystals
9 of Pentacles, The World, Knight of Pentacles. Deck: Tarot de Carlotydes

Appearing again this week, we have the 9 of Pentacles. Asking how we can create more balance, its message remains much the same as last week; pause to acknowledge your achievements, and enjoy a little of the luxury you’ve earned. So, an echo here again of how hard work brings us much success, but to create balance, we must recognise our triumphs and celebrate. Did you enjoy a moment of luxury last week? If not, try to embrace the idea this week. As we all know, all work and no play can lead to burnout.

"It always seems impossible until it's done." - Nelson Mandela

The World sweeps in next with a message of completion. Look to your current project and ask if it’s time to wrap it up. Perhaps something new is already nudging at your creative self, if so, the World indicates beauty is to be found in ending one cycle and beginning a new. This card also calls for acknowledgement of achievement, much like the 9. It wants us to recognise how all of our determination and drive has served us well. We’re now armed with experience and wisdom which can be carried forward into new projects, and beauty certainly lies in that, too. Expansion is another theme of this card. It may mean in the literal sense of travelling the World, or an expansion of awareness within your inner self. With a significant cycle drawing to a close, beauty awaits in the recognition of what has been achieved, and what can be achieved next as a new journey commences.

The methodical Knight of Pentacles gallops in to strengthen creativity. With a love for efficiency, routine, and grounded thinking, this energy indicates the formation of a solid, sensible plan. With the World bringing a closure, chances are a new project is already taking shape. The Knight calls for structure as this plan forms. Patience and a touch of perfectionism will serve you well. With the maturity of the World in your back pocket, working with this more organised mindset will come easy. It will also banish insecurity, which in turn gives creativity the strength to expand and flow without disruption. Knights bring vibrant, active energy, so expect to find yourself working efficiently and with solid focus this week!

So, the 9 of Pentacles is back, insisting that we enjoy a little luxury as a reward for our labours. With the World bringing a cycle to an end, more acknowledgement is called for. Then we have the methodical Knight galloping in, suggesting the launch of something new, but with a more grounded, mature mindset than we may have experienced before, and one that gets us up and running pretty fast!

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