What to expect
Curious about what happens after you click that 'Buy Now' button? Here's all the info.
I've booked a reading. Now what?
When I receive notification of your booking, I’ll email you within 24 hours to say hi. Please note that I'll be using the email address supplied on your PayPal receipt, so if you're wondering why you haven't heard from me, check your spam folder!
Once we connect via email, we’ll discuss your requirements, I’ll confirm the date of your reading, and together we'll ensure I'm asking the most relevant questions for your situation within the spread.
You’ll receive your reading by email. I’ll send it as a PDF file, along with a picture of the spread and any other additional information or images. I live in Ireland, so bear in mind the GMT time zone when it comes to dates/times in your region. At present readings are only by email. I may return to Zoom/Skype readings in the future.
If you haven’t read my Code of Ethics, now would be a good time. You can click here to jump straight to it and all the other legal stuff. If you’re looking for the bullet points, here are the main ones:
I don’t read for;
Third parties. For example: Does my ex want me back? What does my boss really think of me? Does he/she like me? Is he/she having an affair?
Finance, health, legal issues.
Past lives.
Finding lost objects.
Anyone who thinks they’ve been cursed, because no, you haven’t. If someone’s claiming they can sense ‘a dark energy’ or some such BS, which they can rid you of once you pay them a juicy chunk of money, you’re being scammed.
Winning lottery numbers. If I could, do you think I’d be here right now? No, I’d be on an island somewhere, living it up.
My aim is to serve my clients to the best of my ability by providing as much clarity as possible with readings, but please know that I am open to queries once you’ve received your reading—within reason. If I feel your queries move beyond the issues detailed within your reading, or repeatedly circle an answer already provided, I will request payment for further replies or readings.
All files relating to your reading are saved by initials and date. I never use clients’ full names or email addresses within, or to name files. So, a reading for Jane Smith on September 29th appears as the following: JS_29.09.21. I also password protect each file individually. After four weeks I delete all PDF files and photos relating to your reading. I also delete all email correspondence. This is to protect your privacy. Should you wish me to delete your files or correspondence before then, simply reach out to me at julie@creativesoultarot.com for assistance.