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Tarot for Creatives July 15th to 21st 2024

Writer's picture: Julie EmbletonJulie Embleton

Hello, Creatives!

Tarot for Creatives is back! Following a break for post-op recuperation, I’m making a tentative return to normal(ish) service. I’m still recovering—a little impatiently, if I’m honest, but I know these things take time, despite how I wish it was otherwise. I’ve taken a break from tarot reading and meditation circles as my energy is not in a place for either at this time, but I’m happy to try easing back into action with today’s Tarot for Creatives. So, without further waffling, this week’s forecast is the simple You, Your Current Path, and Your Potential spread.

Tarot cards on a black cloth with a smoky quartz crystal and a candle
10 of Wands, 8 of Pentacles, The Lovers. Deck: Tarot de la Nuit

The 10 of Wands brings an energy of toil. The end of a tough journey has arrived, but the road has been so challenging, seeing the positive and taking the win may be far from your thoughts right now.

Creative and physical tiredness typically comes with this card, as if all motivation and inspiration has turned to ash. To move beyond this, examine your load. What can you delegate? What no longer needs your attention, and what is no longer serving you? A sense of martyrdom often accompanies this card, so make a point of listening to your inner narrative for signs of unnecessary self-sacrifice.

With fire such a forceful element in the 10 of Wands, reflect upon its transformative properties and how you can apply them at this time. What speaks loudest to me with this card is the need to embrace transformation. Release what no longer serves. Once you’ve rested and taken the time to reflect upon the end of this tiring challenge, you’ll see how energy has shifted for the better.

"The beautiful thing about learning, is that no-one can take it away from you." - BB King

After the exhausting efforts of the 10 of Wands, the 8 of Pentacles brings an energy of progress and productivity. Steady growth and reward flows in, and with it, the urge to level up.

The 8 is the card of internship, where the desire to learn new skills fuels progress. Basically, it’s saying now is a great time for further study, so if you’ve been eyeing up a way to level up, go for it! The 8 has that ‘head down’ kind of energy, where focus comes naturally and the distracting minutiae of our lives falls away. If you’re struggling to apply yourself to a project, that frustration will soon clear. With the burdens of the 10 of Wands in the past, you’ll have greater mental clarity and renewed creative energy to get stuck into projects once more.

The spirit of harmony lies in wait with The Lovers. This can relate to romantic relationships, but also creative collaborations or business partnerships. Either way, the outlook is sweet.

While the Lovers generally prompts visions of pink hearts and red roses, it’s a card with a lot more depth as it also reflects values, morals, and ethics. When it appears, it’s a sign our personal beliefs may soon be challenged. As the card refers to partnership, it may be this new connection which demands a rethink of your current values. Beliefs may be rattled, values tested, or like the transformational energy of the 10 of Wands, a personal transformation may have you drawing up new boundaries, and/or extending your current.

As a major arcana, the Lovers promises a powerful energy shift, so be ready for impact. The outcome promises to serve your higher good, and while you may find yourself standing at a moral crossroads, listen to your intuition as you face into each direction and consider your next move.

I’m SO feeling that 10 of Wands energy right now, and in a further synchronicity, I’m also in 8 of Pentacles energy as I’ve been taking a number of online courses while off my feet! While the reading open with a sticky energy, it’s uplifting to know that the heaviness clears, returning that all important creative inspiration which fuels our tanks. The Lovers brings an energetic shift that demands contemplation, so be ready to do some inner work as the week progresses. What harmonious union is waiting? I’m excited to find out!

Have an inspiring week, Creative Souls!


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