Hello, Creatives!
Yesterday’s full moon is known as the Buck Moon, named as a reflection of how male deer grow new antlers at this time. Buck Moon energy is brimming with growth, transformation, and strength, so I’m using these themes for this week’s Tarot for Creatives reading by asking: Where can I expect growth, what needs transforming, what’s my greatest strength at this time?

The 3 of Wands is the card of growth, with expansion being its theme. Early-stage projects are about to move into development. The groundwork is done, and it’s time for the work to begin. Like the figure in the card, face the new horizon and make the necessary leap. There’s still work to be done before you can claim full security, but you’re definitely heading in the right direction.
As threes can sometimes bring a wobble, ensure you stay connected to the Why behind your project; Wands are all about passion and drive, so keep the finish line in your mind’s eye. Be bold as creativity unfurls. An adventurous mind will further enhance expansion.
“Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but doesn’t get you anywhere.” - Emma Bambeck
What Ifs keeping you up at night? The 9 of Swords is a great representation of the 3am mind spiral, where we lie awake fretting over everything that could go wrong. Potential issues grow legs and run amok as we toss and turn. This behaviour needs to change. To transform the What Ifs, focus on what is going right, what is being accomplished, and how you’ve tackled tangible problems in the past.
Unless the scenario you’re worrying about is actually happening, why waste energy on it? And if it is a reality, lean into the courageous, adventurous energy of the 3 of Wands to come up with a creative solution.
Get your ninja on and cut yourself free!
The 8 of Swords indicates your greatest strength at this time is shifting out of a victim mindset. With the 8 and 9 reflecting mental stress sucking up a lot of energy right now, the power to smash this cycle lies only with you.
Note how the figure in the card only has to turn her back to the Swords to cut herself free and undo the blindfold. She doesn’t need a grand rescue, because she herself is the rescuer. What mental ropes have you tied yourself up with? Who are you blaming for a situation? Lower the accusatory finger and focus on cutting yourself free, because all this mental strain threatens the expansion of the 3 of Wands.
Transform your thoughts from negative to positive. Focus on what’s real and working and possible. You alone have the strength to break free, it’s not anyone else's responsibility, so get slicing!
Two prickly Swords cards indicate a week where we focus more on thoughts than actions. The 3 of Wands is a great omen for progression and creative expansion, but we must end the cycle of unnecessary worrying to truly enjoy its abundance.
Have an expansive week, Creative Souls!
Have you a burning question or hot topic relevant to the Tarot for Creatives reading? Reach out and let me know! You can find me at julie@creativesoultarot.com
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