Hello, Creatives!
And hello, March! It sure came in like a lion on Thursday, with a day of heavy snow and high winds. We didn’t get a single white flake here by the sea, just lots and lots of rain . . .
Spring is stretching out her sleepy limbs. I spent yesterday tidying up the garden after winter and saw lots of new growth. As we emerge from the dark winter months, it’s a time of wakening for us, too. What seeds are you hoping to sow this spring?

No questions this week; I’ll let the cards tell the story.
A lovely synchronicity to open our reading with the rebirth theme of Judgement. As we shake off winter, and our thoughts turn to sowing and harvesting, Judgement is a timely reminder that we reap what we sow. Judgement indicates a new beginning, but one that brings a levelling up. You may have found yourself shedding a lot of old and unwanted energy in the last while, and perhaps are already aware of a ‘new’ you emerging. Clarity may be heightened, and possibly even a stronger sense of who you are, and how you wish to evolve. This typically impacts our life’s purpose, but tied up amongst it, is the call to allow creative thinking to also evolve. If you’ve been called to try new avenues, welcome in the change. Judgement heralds exciting new possibilities!
“Once you make the decision to move on, don’t look back. Your destiny will never be found in the rear view mirror.” – Mandy Hale
The 6 of Swords is another card of transition. While not as powerful as Judgement, the theme remains the same; leaving behind the old to make your way into the new. With this card, the focus is on how you think. Once again, the message indicates seeing the light, shifting into a new mindset that brings you inner peace. With the struggle of the 5 at your rear, the 6 is a welcome break. As you set sail on new seas, keep your wits about you. Logic and clear communication are your greatest allies at this time.
All rise for Her Majesty!
A second sword card, and this time it’s the Queen of Swords. We’ve skipped over all the spiky cards of the Swords suit to land with the clever, intellectual Queen.
Surrounded by Queen energy, you’re no-one’s fool. You’re sharp as a tack with your no nonsense attitude, and ability to take a logical approach to whatever comes your way. When the Queen appears, it’s a call to be straightforward. Don’t beat around the bush. Use your words, and don’t be afraid to speak your mind. As with all Swords however, be conscious of the power of your words. Yes, they can slice through the BS, but they can also wound, so be conscious of how you communicate.
A big shift in energy as this new week unfolds! Long-awaited insight is now yours, and with it, you’ll find yourself empowered to speak up. Don’t take any crap. You know what you want, and how to get it, but do be mindful of a sharp tongue. Have an exciting week, Creative Souls!
Have you a burning question or hot topic relevant to the Tarot for Creatives reading? Reach out and let me know! You can find me at julie@creativesoultarot.com
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