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Tarot for Creatives Nov 27th to Dec 3rd 2023

Writer's picture: Julie EmbletonJulie Embleton

Hello, Creatives!

I don’t know about your corner of the world, but here in Ireland, the long, dark nights have fully descended. It’s a sticky black, the kind you really can’t see through. Unlike the summer, when the light is more opaque, this dark swallows everything. However, there’s a glimmer peeking through the trees. Today is the last full moon before the Winter Solstice, reminding us that a new season and year approaches. Known as the Beaver Moon, this full moon represents the need to release past hurt or troubles, and look forward with positive intent. With a full moon being the perfect time to reset, this energy of positive intent is boosted by the Beaver Moon, so this week’s Tarot for Creatives reading asks; What should I release, What should I embrace, What does my soul need?

Tarot cards on a black velvet cloth with a skull candle and crystals
Strength, 9 of Wands, 4 of Pentacles. Deck: Tarot Illuminati

We open our reading this week with Strength, a major arcana. Inner grace is the message behind this card, and in the release position, it indicates it might be time to get a little more assertive. While grace under pressure is an admirable trait, there are times when a more proactive energy is required. It also suggests hiding behind a pretence of being unaffected instead of finding the courage to tackle whatever issue is causing disharmony. Where would taking a more forceful approach assist you this week? What one action are you avoiding for fear of what others might think? Adopt lion energy this week, and try out your roar. It’s time to shift from a passive state into vigorous action.

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." – Ambrose Redmoon

You know that setback you thought you’d dealt with? Or that thing you’ve been quietly avoiding? Well, it’s no longer happy to be ignored. It’s back, and it’s time to step up and deal with it. This may feel like a topic that’s been haunting you, skulking around the back of your mind for some time. Up until this point, you’ve done a good job of skirting it, but when the 9 of Wands pops up, the message is to ‘Deal With It!’ Embrace perseverance and take a stand against this issue. It will take strength to push through, but now you’re adopting lion energy, you’re more than equipped to handle whatever comes at you. Reflect on what’s unfinished. It may be a creative project, a task at home or in the office. It may be a tricky conversation you need to have. Whatever it may be, handle it before it rises up and bites you in the ass. Embrace the challenge, and don’t be afraid to let your claws out.

The 4 of Pentacles is back, and appearing in the What Your Soul Needs position, it’s a call to reflect on how you measure self-worth against wealth and material possessions. While the 4 of Pentacles represent security, it also asks us to consider where we’re overspending and being miserly. What action have you taken lately to satisfy your soul? Are earthly pursuits overriding what your inner-self needs? Reflect on how career, work, and finances control your life at this time. When did you last invest in making your soul happy? What one thing can you do this week that will bring your inner self joy? Relax your grip on earthly matters and spend time nurturing your soul. Consider undertaking personal development, a new exercise routine, or a daily meditation. Slow down and invest time in your soul this week. You’ll feel more secure once you do!

Got a burning question or topic relevant to the Tarot for Creatives reading? Reach out and let me know! You can find me at

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