Tarot for the Collective
Hello and Welcome!
We have the first Full Moon of 2025 today, and its in Cancer, which brings a nurturing, healing energy. As it’s a Full Moon, it’s also a time for release, so be mindful of what’s not serving your heart at this time. Reflect on relationships, familial ties, and ‘love’ patterns. You’ll intuitively know what’s needs letting go.
I wasn’t inspired to work with a spread for this week's tarot forecast, which means the cards want to tell the story, so I’m handing over the microphone. . .

The sting of the 3 of Swords opens our Tarot Forecast this week, and with a Full Moon in Cancer, it’s not a surprise. Feel Your Feels is the message here. Shoving emotion down, denying your hurt, or pretending you’re fine is not the healthy way to proceed at this time. If you need space or distance, ensure you get it so you can sit and process what’s hurting your heart.
The only way through heartache is directly through it. Acknowledge your hurt, let the emotion out, and nurture yourself with gentle healing. Swords reflect how we communicate, so consider how communicating your feelings would help. It could mean holding a conversation, sending a text, email, or letter, or working your own form of release by writing everything down and burning the page to transform the negative into positive.
Be brave with your release. You’ll emerge stronger and with better boundaries in place once you do. The lesson of the 3 of Swords can be tough to endure, but there’s no doubt it’s a beneficial one.
“Our childlike joy and wonder is the gateway
to a loving reality.”
Nostalgia and sentiment comes next with the 6 of Cups, a healing balm after the 3 of Swords. This is a reminder to enjoy the simple pleasures of life, to seek out the wonder around you with the eyes of a child. It’s also an indication of old memories reviving. Whether it’s a trip down memory lane or a person from the past coming back into your life, you’ll find yourself recalling history with fondness and joy.
The 6 of Cups is a card to wallow in. It asks us to hit pause on all the adulting and reconnect to fun. 6 of Cups energy is pulling out an old favourite board game from childhood, reminiscing with a photo album, jumping on a trampoline, or dusting off a bicycle for an afternoon of exploring. Embracing the joy of the past will bring bliss and some much-needed healing.
Another three, and this is one is the celebratory 3 of Cups, a card of abundance and creativity. If the 3 of Swords doused creativity, inspiration, and motivation, the 3 of Cups does the exact opposite. It’s a call to gather your tribe, cut loose, and have fun. Paired with the 6 of Cups, it might even mean a reunion, or the kickstart of a new relationship (instigated by the 6 of Cups indicating the return of an old sweetheart!) Either way, the signs point to meaningful, joyous connection. Whether it be a new romance, celebrating with friends and family, or a solo celebration, now you’ve dealt with the hurt from the 3 of Swords, the outlook is promising, so embrace the moment!
The overall message here is to be conscious of the heart and the present. Sit with what’s in front of you, and be brave about releasing that which needs to go. A lot of light-heartedness comes with the two Cups cards, so there’s a bright promise of relief and renewal ahead, wonderful gifts to embrace as 2025 gently unfolds. Have a joyful week!
Have you a burning question or hot topic for the Tarot Forecast reading? Reach out and let me know! You can find me at julie@creativesoultarot.com
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