Tarot for the Collective
Hello and Welcome!
In the last week, I’ve been woken by uplifting birdsong in the morning instead of the seagull and magpie chorus that typically soundtracks winter here by the sea. Their song is another reminder of how the wheel turns even when we can’t see it. Spring is gently stirring beneath the soil, and while the plants in my garden aren’t yet showing signs of her arrival, the birds are teasing her awakening.
How is your January going so far? It’s definitely one of those months that launches with a roar, but can limp to a close. With ‘resolutions’ a buzz word at this time of year, it can be disheartening to reach this time of the month and be influenced into believing we’re not good enough or haven’t strived high enough. January derives from the word Jānus, who in ancient Roman culture was a god of doorways. He represents beginnings, the point where we step into new adventures. January is therefore just a entryway into the year ahead. We have already stepped through the door into 2025, but what we’ve so far achieved—or not achieved—is by no means a statement of how the next eleven months will pan out. So if you’re feeling a little disheartened, let that lack go. Not even Spring has woken yet. Like us, she’s nurturing seeds. Many will eventually bloom into bountiful, lush plants, while others might fail to germinate. Enjoy this time of rest and gentle germination. We’ve only just begun.

I’m using a simple but enlightening spread today which asks for guidance surrounding Current Energy, Potential Challenges, and Advice to Proceed.
Feeling restricted, bound by circumstance, and unable to see a way out of your predicament? That’s 8 of Swords energy. It slides in when we’re blaming external forces for our situation, but have failed to see we possess the power to break free. We’re not trapped, we’ve simply allowed ourselves to believe we are.
Note how the eagle in the image appears to be trapped between two swords. He’s stuck in the red area of the card, when he should be soaring in the sky above. The message here is to take an alternative view of your situation. You’re not a victim. You are empowered. Pull back and be honest about how you landed here, if it’s truly where you want to be, and how you can shift the restrictions—if not smash through them entirely.
Are you following the crowd, afraid to try something new? Yes, taking that chance could be risky, but it could also be the breakthrough you need. The only binds are those you’ve created in your mind. Soar high and break free to gain a different perspective. A new horizon awaits.
Action is the dance of manifestation.
The Knight of Pentacles is a most dependable fellow. He always keeps his word, never loses the rag, and always has his life in order. How? Because his motto is ‘Slow and Steady’. Unlike his counterparts who barrel into situations with enthusiasm bordering on aggression, the Knight of Pentacles likes to observe first, consider all aspects and options next, and then make his move.
Right now, this slow and steady approach is a challenge. You want to charge in, make the moves, kickstart the project, but that gung-ho approach won’t get you the desired results. Chilling under the half-moon, this Knight is grounded as he sits beneath a tree. He’s taking time to connect to his intuition, consider every angle, and sit with how it feels within. Once he has clarity, he’ll move ahead. This patient approach is not an easy one, but it will pay off!
I love when an Ace pops up! Open yourself to creativity, new ideas and opportunities, but most importantly, connection! The Ace of Cups is a powerhouse of fresh beginnings aligned with our intuition and hearts. It brings a message of new partnerships (romantic, creative, and business) and opportunities coming our way. It also directs us within, encouraging us to reconnect with intuition.
Where the Knight is grounded, the Ace of Cups brings in a giddy, zingy energy of possibility. Engage with gut instinct as you plan and dream. Feel into ideas with your emotions and be honest with how your inner self reacts. If it feels good, move with it. If you get resistance, heed it.
Ace energy is just what’s needed after the restriction of the 8 of Swords. But as always, a reminder that Ace energy needs action. All the dreaming and planning in the world is useless without physical action, so be like the Knight and move ahead with slow and steady action.
That 8 of Swords hit a chord with me today. I can see where I’ve allowed restriction to hold me back. It takes courage to move past binds like these, but it will be worth it. What about that Knight urging us to be Slow and Steady when we’re supposed to ripping into this new year with all cylinders firing? Thankfully, we’ve got an Ace promising new beginnings, so with the support of the Knight’s practical energy, we’ll manifest wonderful things. Wishing you a week of breakthroughs, practicality, and new inspiration!
As always with this reading, take what resonates, and set aside that which doesn’t!
Have you a burning question or hot topic for the Tarot Forecast reading?
Reach out and let me know! You can find me at julie@creativesoultarot.com
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