Tarot for the Collective
We had a wild few days of weather here thanks to storm Éowyn belting across the country. Éowyn was one of the most powerful storms we’ve ever experienced in Ireland. Thousands of trees were felled, almost three quarter of a million homes were left without power, and numerous structures were destroyed or damaged. We had Saturday to catch our breaths, but then yesterday, we had more heavy rain and high winds. Needless to say, I’ve spent most of the weekend hiding indoors praying the power wouldn’t go. Thankfully, it remained on for me, and I had no damage done by the high winds. It’s a calm morning as I write this Tarot Forecast, but bitterly cold. I hope wherever you are, you’re enjoying nicer weather!
This week’s Tarot Forecast offers guidance on any challenges you may be dealing with at this time. I’m asking the cards: What will help, What will hinder, and What to embrace

The World signifies successful completion, the end of one cycle in which we’ve gained knowledge, skill, and a deeper connection to self. This is a positive start to the reading, so celebrate that win! The Help aspect comes from the wisdom we’ve gained, advising us to reflect on all we’ve learned, and to use those lessons from the past to find guidance in the present.
Because the wheel never stops turning, a new cycle is about to begin. So while you might feel like you’re just about catching your breath, get ready to roll once more. Tarot begins with the adventurous, innocent Fool, and completes the Major Arcana journey with The World, so this card is always a reminder that whatever tools we need to overcome any current challenges, we already possess. It’s a also a reminder of time constantly turning, so even if you’re feeling stuck right now, rest assured it won’t last. This too shall pass, the World says, but don’t forget you have the Help you need! The answers lie in your skills, wit, and talents!
“Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow.”
- Swedish Proverb
The 9 of Swords delivers a clear message: Stop worrying. Right now, precious energy is being wasted on giving time to anxious thoughts. Every time the What If beast is fed, stress increases, thoughts spiral into calamity, and we can get so tangled in our worries, we lose sight of what’s real and what’s imagined.
A negative mindset is the biggest hindrance right now. Overcoming it demands practical thinking and mental clarity, so instead of tying your brain into knots, get those thoughts onto paper. Write down the details of what’s challenging you. Identify the steps you can take, and those you can’t. Reach out for help with those you can’t tackle. Make a plan, and take the first vital step to moving beyond this mental mayhem. The World sits at the head of this week’s reading for a reason. It’s a reminder that our previous successes, along with our innate wisdom and intuition, will assist with banishing the desperation of the 9 of Swords.
Justice is the second Major Arcana of this week’s reading, and in the What to Embrace position, it calls for mindfulness when it comes to decision-making. Justice is a card of Karma. You reap what you sow, and if you don’t like the outcome, Justice shrugs and says ‘Tough Shit’. The key to working with Justice in the Embrace position, is understanding the truth of your past. When you face past actions and be honest about how they are currently helping or hindering, it allows you to comprehend the fairness of your current state. Take personal responsibility by reflecting on the Why of your present—regardless of whether your position is positive or challenging; Why am I here? Why did I take those actions? Much like The World demands we reflect on our past in order to move forward, Justice recommends the same. Even if it’s not the easy path, make wise decisions.
A lot of mental energy surrounding this forecast! We open with a successful outcome, and are reminded as we move forward, to take all we’ve learned from that outcome. Stressing won’t get us anywhere this week. We have to make wise, informed decisions that align with our integrity if we want to emerge victorious. We reap what we sow, so if we want a positive outcome, we must take positive action.
Have a wonderful week, and as always, take what resonates, and leave aside what doesn’t!
Have you a burning question or hot topic for the Tarot Forecast reading? Reach out and let me know! You can find me at julie@creativesoultarot.com
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