Hello, Creatives!
It’s a Full Moon today, so now is the time for gratitude and reflection. As a new phase begins, consider what needs releasing, but also what filled your cup during the last cycle. This week’s reading examines this theme with the Embrace, Engage, Release spread.

Our reading opens with the ‘take no crap’ energy of the Ace of Swords. Although a card of new beginnings, it has a powerful energy behind it, one that demands cutting away what doesn’t work in order to make space for what will. The Ace of Swords encourages with a ‘Go For It!’ message. It indicates smart thinking drives action with no room for uncertainty; thought processes are logical and clarity is sharp. This is the kind of energy when all ducks are in a row, there’s a clear, concise plan made, and nonsense won’t be tolerated as action gets underway. Make lists, form a solid plan, and with the clarity it brings, embrace the confident, bold energy of this Ace. If something isn’t working, cut it out. The Sword swings sharply with this card as there’s no room for anything that’s less than the best.
“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” – George Bernard Shaw
Death gallops in for the Engage position, asking us to actively take part in the transformation about to take place. Embrace the incoming shift. Death closes out one chapter and welcomes in a new, one that will bring adventure and greater progression than before. With Ace energy behind it, it indicates a new way of thinking, a swift and sudden change to previous thought patterns or behaviours, allowing a shift into a new perspective that will serve for the better. If change is coming, there’s nothing to fear. Transformation only frightens those who are stuck and unwilling to move out of their comfort zones. Expanding horizons encourages fresh creative thinking and inspires new ways of working, so welcome in the powerful transformative energy of Death this week. Great new adventures await.
The Queen of Wands appears in the Release position, with a message that now is not the time to take on too much. The Queen operates from a creative mindset. She’s a force of drive and determination, and perfectly balances the energies and demands of home/work/life. But with Death heralding a great shift, balance will falter as new patterns and mindsets form. Instead of fighting to keep all the plates spinning, take a step back and allow the stream to take you with it. The sense of upheaval will calm and that ‘have it all’ Queen energy will return, but right now, it’s better to let go that ideal. Keep that logical Ace energy in mind. Slice off that which hinders you, and move forward with all that assists growth and expansion.
Expect change this week with the cutting energy of the Ace and the transformative energy of Death. Logic will serve better than emotion, so bear that in mind if you find yourself overwhelmed. Avoid trying to keep everything in order. A little chaos is normal before a new pattern settles into place.
Have a burning question or topic you’d like me to read for next week? Reach out and let me know! You can find me at julie@creativesoultarot.com
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