Hello, Creatives!
It’s strangely warm October weather here today. Normally, we’d be hiding indoors out of the cold and rain at this time of year, but I sat outside in warm sun to eat my lunch today. Over the weekend, while tidying up the garden for Winter, I noticed new dandelions popping up, and if you follow me over on Instagram, you might have seen the Reel I posted of the beautiful colours still on display amongst my plants. With all the harsh weather conditions sweeping across Europe and the US at this time, it can’t be denied that our climate is undergoing a radical and alarming change.
I closed my eyes to pick a random spread for this week’s Tarot For Creatives, and the following is what I chose: What should I go for, Where should I exercise caution, What should I cease.

The happy union of the 2 of Cups tells us to go for it with a new relationship. This pairing can be romantic, platonic, or business, but either way, the partnership holds promise, harmony, and fulfilment. Co-operation enhances this positive connection, so be open to compromise and diplomacy. Initial attraction sparks this partnership; an intuitive knowing that this person has come into your life for a reason. An exciting journey lies ahead with them, so be open to the connection.
“Happiness cannot be travelled to, owned, earned, worn, or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.”
- Denis Waitley
With its theme of childlike joy, The Sun is a wonderful card to receive in tarot, but in the Caution position, it warns against being too carefree. Abundance and success come with The Sun, and with the 2 of Cups at its side, it’s another strong indication of the possibilities that lie in wait with a new partnership. However, there may be too much giddiness brewing, the kind that will distract from more serious matters.
Confidence and glory are other themes of this card, so again, the warning highlights chasing an ego boost. The partnership of the 2 of Cups holds great potential as long as we don’t get carried away with distorted Sun energy. Abundance and success awaits, but we need to stay attuned to our integrity.
Reversed, the 9 of Pentacles brings restriction; financial struggles due to overspend, a sense of being trapped by circumstance, or a hollowness that nothing material can fill. In the Cease position, the message is to examine your relationship with material possessions and money.
If you’re overspending, what hole are you seeking to fill? Is the fulfilment you seek truly lying in a shopping cart?
The reversed 9 also calls on us to cease taking our bounty for granted. Acknowledge what you already possess. Wealth does not solely belong to material possessions, so consider if that’s what you base your worth upon. The 9 also indicates coming a long way, so it’s time to stop looking ahead, seeking more, more, more, and pause to embrace what has already been achieved instead. Cease seeking and begin appreciating is the message here, otherwise, happiness will remain out of reach.
A lovely start to the reading with the 2 of Cups, but it quickly slides into wagging finger territory with The Sun and reversed 9 of Pentacles warning of foolishness around behaviour and attitude. Keep the simplicity of the 2 of Cups in mind as the week progresses. Twos are cards of balance, but they also represent duality, so be conscious of how you think and interact in order to prevent decisions or actions that won’t serve your higher good.
Wishing you a week of conscious thinking, Creative Souls!
Have you a burning question or hot topic relevant to the Tarot for Creatives reading? Reach out and let me know! You can find me at julie@creativesoultarot.com
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