Hello, Creatives!
Welcome to another Tarot for Creatives reading, and this week, the theme is by request. A creative reached out asking for a spread to examine lost confidence, so here’s a spread to examine the cause of failing self-belief: What lies at the root of my failing confidence, How can I nurture my own self-belief, Inspiring message from Spirit.

The Empress opens our reading, and typically, for creatives, this is a positive card to receive with its message of bountifulness. The Empress has it all; abundance, beauty, and wealth. She relaxes on her lush throne surrounded by the fruits of her labour. However, appearing as the root of failing confidence, The Empress indicates striving to ‘have it all’ has stripped the joy out of creativity.
Reflect on your WHY this week, and what goals it has inspired you to reach. Does why you’re creating align with your personal values and morals? Are you coming from a place of integrity? If it’s not glory you’re chasing, it’s possible you’re being too hard on yourself, expecting more than you can physically attain at this point. The Empress is a sensual being, one who enjoys pleasure in all its forms. How does pleasure inspire your creativity? Is there enough, or too much indulgence? Reflect on your aspirations this week. If necessary, reframe goals and take an honest look at what fuels your motivation.
“Stay true to yourself.
There’s no better feeling than being authentic.”
To nurture self-belief, it’s time to consider your legacy. The 10 of Pentacles asks us what we want to leave behind. What will our legacy be? Echoing the Empress’s message of examining goals, it calls for a practical, grounded plan for the future. The Empress may have inspired inaccessible goals, so sensible Pentacles now calls for practicality. Stability is key with this card. Look to elders, those who can offer guidance and wisdom. Take on board their advice and sit with it so you can formulate an actionable, achievable plan. Community is represented by this card, so tap into that source, too. Have a get-together with family, friends, or peers. Lean into their support and experience. A positive aspect of this card is that of security, so while failing confidence may have you feeling shaky, you’re on solid ground, so don’t despair.
Spirit brings one of the most radiant cards of the deck for their message of inspiration. The Sun is vitality, prosperity, illumination, and glory. It’s a card bursting with confidence, meaning that confidence you’ve lost will be restored. With the Sun beaming down, you’ll see things in a new light, perhaps even experience an epiphany. The Sun brings childlike wonder, so expect to find a new sense of joy injected into your creative endeavours. It’s that kid-at-heart energy that doesn’t ask the ‘how’ of something, but instead, simply embraces the opportunity with excitement. A rebirth lies ahead. Take the time this week to examine your aspirations and the why behind them, reshape with logical, actionable plans, and you’ll soon find yourself shifting into a bright new phase.
Have a wonderful week, creative souls!
Got a burning question or topic relevant to the Tarot for Creatives reading? Reach out and let me know! You can find me at julie@creativesoultarot.com
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