Julie EmbletonDec 18, 2023Tarot for Creatives ReadingsTarot for Creatives Dec 18th to 24th 2023It's the final Tarot for Creatives for 2023! What's in store?
Julie EmbletonSep 25, 2023Tarot for Creatives ReadingsTarot for Creatives Sept 25th to Oct 1st 2023A look at refinement, endurance, and celebration for this week's Tarot for Creatives forecast.
Julie EmbletonMay 15, 2023Tarot for Creatives ReadingsTarot for Creatives May 15th to 21st 2023Act, Examine, Cease is this week's tarot for creatives forecast. Ideal for finding clarity if you're in a muddle.
Julie EmbletonMar 6, 2023Tarot for Creatives ReadingsTarot for Creatives March 6th to 12th 2023The incoming Worm Moon carries themes of optimism and inevitability. How will it effect this week's creative energy?
Julie EmbletonOct 17, 2022Tarot for Creatives ReadingsTarot for Creatives October 17th to 23rd 2022The Mind, Body, Spirit spread forecasts the energy for this week's Tarot for Creatives reading.