Hello, Creatives!
It’s the final Tarot for Creatives reading for 2023! Before I dive in, I want to give my most heartfelt thanks for your support this year. To both subscribers and clients, it’s been an absolute pleasure serving you all, and I look forward to continuing serving you and growing Creative Soul Tarot in 2024.
No questions this week. I’ll just let the cards tell the story!
It’s not surprising to see the 2 of Wands appear at this time of year, when forward planning is on many minds! As the new year approaches and we dust off the resolution to make resolutions, what lies ahead, and how we can achieve it, occupies our thoughts. The possibilities are limitless right now, so dream big. Don’t focus on the ‘how’. Instead, have faith in the Universe delivering what you need, right when you need it. Take this energy of new beginnings to explore your options and goals. How much farther can you expand them? Are you playing safe? Employ a little courage and see what happens when you nudge the lines of your comfort zone out a little farther.
The 9 of Cups is seen as the ‘wish’ card in tarot. When it appears, it brings a lovely message of wishes granted. As you make plans for 2024 with the 2 of Wands, the 9 indicates everything lining up sweetly. This isn’t due to luck or chance. It’s all down to your hard work. Nines are cards of almost completion. They’re the last mile before the ending cycle of the ten, so you’ve put yourself in the best possible position to smash current goals. This card also indicates abundance and celebration, so another apt card as we enter the holiday season. As friends, family, and even supporters surround you, you’re feeling on top of the world. Enjoy this final rotation of the cycle, and know it’s all thanks to your dedication and efforts.
Another celebratory card, and this time, it’s the 6 of Wands, the card of victory. After a tough challenge, you’ve emerged victorious. The bumpy road called on all your creative wits and tested your determination, but you came through and now the path ahead is clear once more. Combined with the 2 of Wands and 9 of Cups, the outlook is promising. Remember to tuck away the experience; challenges will arise again, and now you’ve won this round, you’ll know exactly how to tackle further obstacles. It’s also important to take a moment to acknowledge those who have helped you along the way. Give thanks to those who’ve had your back, supported your endeavours, and kept your fire burning.
A clear energy of accomplishment, overcoming, and optimism for this reading! A perfect way to round off the year.
While we all wish for a great holiday season, for many, it’s a difficult and emotionally challenging time of year. Don’t forget to take care of you over the next few weeks. If being around others drains your energy, ensure you get alone time. Step out into nature, even if it’s just for a walk around the block. Get rest, and fuel your body with healthy food. And finally, ‘No, thanks’ is a full sentence. Try it out . . .
Wishing you all a happy and peaceful holiday season, and may 2024 bring you an abundance of health and prosperity! I’ll be back in January.
Have you a burning question or hot topic relevant to the Tarot for Creatives reading? Reach out and let me know! You can find me at julie@creativesoultarot.com
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